May 31st 1985, salesmen everywhere of wide-leg jeans, pacifiers, glow sticks, and whistles rejoice as Methylenedioxymethamphetamine gets listed as a schedule 1 drug. Known also as Adam, Ecstasy, Hug Drug and Disco Biscuits, MDMA would also nuzzle in the warm places of song writers, allowing them to forego any need for such trivialities as “melody” and “lyrics,” as well as “musicians,” and play the same simple bass line over and over as men in furry pants wearing ball chain necklaces gyrate wildly against the speakers. In the early 80’s, shortly after Chicago house was invented, there was a fear that Ecstasy would be marginalized by its legal status and people would come to view it as nothing more than feel good candy that makes your spinal fluid run backwards. Making the drug a taboo changed all that. Ecstasy would really hit its stride in the early 90’s when Beverly Hills 90210 cleverly disguised the drug as “Euphoria” and Ian Zierling’s character went on an egg hunt through L.A. in hopes of finding a T-Shirt that read “Euphoria 4 Ever” to replace his T-Shirt that read “2 Cool 2 B 4 Gotten.”
If it weren’t for making Ecstasy illegal, Techno music may never have gone mainstream and been left simply as a tool for enhancing 80’s chase scenes.