May 26, 1830: President Andrew Jackson (known for his love of all things that are "good times") signs the Indian Removal Act (IRA for the sake of ambiguity), which involved the relocation and ethnic cleansing (intended or not) of numerous indigenous native-American tribes, culminating with the famous "Trail of Tears" migration in 1831. What a bastard!
Apparently, President Jackson needed "living space" for his ATV's, above ground pools and other outrageous toys, which were always his true love above politics, so he drafted up the IRA as a way of "getting his shit done". Jackson was already known to enjoy other popular southern pastimes such as a lynchings, slavery and a good glass of sweet tea. The IRA was said to be, "So A.J.", as all the young teenage girls used to say back then. Those same girls (all unattractive) had crushes on the 63-year old magnate-about-town. They would read about him in Presidential Sugar Magazine, which often described A.J. as, "sensitive, but with a wild side that loves to have a good time". Too bad those same girls never made it to meet the President (all died).
It is unfortunate that A.J. had so much ill will towards the native-Americans. Things probably would have been better if they both went SEPARATE WAYS:
this remake is my favorite, this guy does great steve perry faces:
ps: "Intended or Not" and "Presidential Sugar Magazine" = solid gold comedy hits of the 70's and always eras.